Such expenses, where properly incurred, may be covered as particular charges or as a general average loss, according to the circumstances under which they were incurred. 但这种费用如果产生得正当合理,被保险人可以根据导致费用产生的各种具体情况,将其作为特别费用或共同海损损失要求得到补偿。
Particular average and general average loss 单独海损及共同海损
However, due to the misunderstanding and confusion of Particular Average 、 General Average and Partial Loss, the understanding and application of F.P.A. is in controversy. 然而,由于对单独海损、共同海损和部分损失的误解和混淆,导致理论和实践中对单独海损不赔的理解和适用产生了争议。